That's right. Who doesn't just love a good PB&J sammich from time to time? I know I do. And Layla does. And McKee does.
We had a few snacks at the waterpark the other day, which were good. Refreshing. Nice.
Layla would like to know if you would like a grape or an apple slice?
So, I handed a Smucker's PB&J to McKee while I was getting one out for Layla. If you haven't had heaven. Incredibly overpriced pre-packaged PB&J's - but OH SO good! Anywho - this is where the next shot of Layla comes in. Look at that face! She looks like she should be saying, "Wait! I want one of those too!" Don't worry pumpkin - you are next!
She took a few bites and I asked her if it was good? I am laughing really need to know Layla to appreciate the face she is making below...but, she does this real sassy head shake, like, yeah! You know it! That is what she is doing below...
And they were so good Layla wanted to toast with McKee! Cheers to PB&J's!
Layla is saying, "Don't even think about trying to sneek a bite - I got my eyes on you, McKee!" All with her eyes. No words. It is all in the eyes...
Too cute! Layla knows how to enjoy some quality pool time!
I love it and man do I love those PB&J's! I'm going to run out and get me a box tonight! Thanks for sharing Layla!
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