We returned to the ultimate neighborhood waterpark this morning where we met up with McKee again for a morning dip in the pool.
First of all, how sweet (and maybe even a little sassy) does Layla look!?!
Back to the fearless part...if you recall in my previous "It was an" post...Layla had her first major water slide experience that, well, didn't end quite so great. If you don't recall, read all about it here.
Anywho. As soon as we arrived at the waterpark, I asked Layla is she wanted to ride the slide. I assumed she would say yes because she never passes up a slide! Well, I don't think we give kids enough credit. They are smart. They do remember and she quickly denied!
So, we went about our merry way and headed on over to the splash pad for some fun. For the record, I LOVE the splash pad area because I can get some sun that I desperately need and Layla plays as her heart so desires.
So as Layla was playing and splashing around, myself and Jen were chatting and laying around. We made it over to the pool area and back to the splash pad, when all of the sudden Layla said "slide, momma!" I asked her if she wanted to go and the slide and she said, "yeah!" So off we went...
Although this time momma was more responsible and brought along a flotation device for her to wear. Off we went. As we approached THE slide and cute and very young teenager was impressed Layla was willing to go down and he offered his assistance. Saying, "Cool, now I will have something to do!"
Again, Layla becomes very quiet, just as the first time. I wasn't worried this time however. I knew she had on her life jacket and I knew that young man had her back.
Down we go. First curve, whissshhhh, made it! We are flying down this thing, by the way. Maybe because I am leaning forward so I didn't fall over like our very first attempt. It's working. Second curve, wheeeeee, we made it. We are still sitting up. And here comes the end...and I see the lifeguard, hands out, ready for what looks like a hand off. I lift Layla in the air. And SPLASH!!!
I went under. But, Layla was above water, safely in the arms of the life guard! Whew. Our plan worked out A LOT better this time.
So, of course we had to go again.
We took a lunch break in between all of that action, but more on that later. It totally deserves its very own post!!! Great visuals.
I knew it was time to call it a day when Layla headed over to our table...
And did this...
Alls well that ends well!
What a fun day. Where is this waterpark?
She is just so cute! :)
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