
Friday, August 14, 2009

A Fresh Look

I guess hitting my 100th post made me take a look at my blog and realize it needed some help in the "looking good" department! So, I gave it a fresh look! You like-y?

But, a fresh look not only applies to my blog, but it also applies to what I am day dreaming about in my head today...ahhhhh, a fresh look, indeed! Give me a break! It IS Friday, afterall.
So, we cannot afford to take a real vacation at the moment, so I am going to take a pretend vacation today. Would you like to join me? Everyone is invited.
We are heading to...
If I could go anywhere in the world right now. Right this very second. That is where I would choose to go. Something about the green and blue waters next to the contrasting white buildings...ooh! They just sing to my heart! Oh so lovely.
I can just picture me, I mean, us, sitting at this seaside cafe...
Eating a cool, fresh Greek Salad...
Watching all the hot, hunky Greek men walk by...
I mean, taking in all the goregous scenery! Yea, that's what I really meant to say...
And shopping, of course! I can't go anywhere without taking in the shops, food and culture!
And then we could head back to our little piece of heaven for a rest...
...or take a dip to cool off? Or take a cat nap on the beach while sipping on a red wine?
Well. That was a lot of fun! Definitely the shortest trip I have ever taken, but fun, none the less. I think I will create a weekly post called - Vacation Friday!
Be sure to check in every Friday to see where we will be *jetting* off to next!
*In our Day Dreams*
Now, I am off to Niko's Niko's to go pick up a fresh Greek Salad. Wow! I am really playing into this, huh?!?! A girl can dream. And I do. A lot.
We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have. - Frederick Koenig
Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude. - Denis Waitley

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