dubaweebah = w
twacktowr = tractor
jew = juice
watta = water (she sounds like a yankee!)
chicky = chicken
fru fry = french fry
i ski = ice cream
ghee dow = get down (to Sammie, our pup)
he boi = here boy (with a kissing sound, to Sammie when she wants him to come on - to die for!)
scuews me = excuse me (when Layla burps, or it turns into scuews you, when you or I do!)
be ni = be nice (her demand to me, with a shake of her index finger, when I correct her.)
bia = Beat it! (when singing to the classic, Michael Jackson song, Beat It!)
Now, on to the title of this blog!!!! Ooo-sha-lay-lay. Three days ago Layla was playing with her babies and really "talking" up a storm. At one point she started saying, "Ooo-sha-lay-lay" and "lay-lay-this and lay-lay-that!" It was hilarious! It was a cross between the Hawaiian language (I guess) and maybe a little San Antonio-¡Órale, vato!-lingo?!?!? Hil.ar.i.ous! But, I had NO idea what she was trying to say.
She does a lot of babbling, so I didn't think much into it...I just had to keep saying it for the fun of it though! (And so I wouldn't forget to blog about it.) And she noticed. Last night in the bath tub, I said "Ooo-sha-lay-lay." And she looked up at me with her eyes so bright and her smile so wide...and said "huh?" Her huh = say that again so I can comprehend/remember it. So, I said it again. "Ooo-sha-lay-lay." And she smiled, and pointed to herself and said, "Layla." For the record - that is THE first time she said her name to me. I always try to get her to say her name, but she won't. Good to know she can!
So, I am guessing Layla was telling her babies to say her name???? Heaven only knows, but Lord knows - I don't care. Every word I use now comes with a "lay-lay" on the end!!! Gotta love it.
UPDATE: Not sure how I could forget these, but Layla reminded me of them on Sunday when she wanted me to sit down and color with her.
shit = sit
collo = color
She said, "Mommy, shit. (Patting the floor with her hand.) I wanna collo."
1 comment:
I am dying laughing!! That is too funny!!!
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