I know it is kinda rude of me to ask for all of your prayers for my lil Layla and then take a blog break for Turkey Day and not do a check in with my prayers warriors.
I apologize. I do, I do.
I am trying to put on my patience hat and do just that. Be patient. Because really I have no choice.
{Everyday is a journey. By Rhonna}
After learning that my small 3 year old little girl was having over 9,000 irregular heartbeats A DAY....I was given an electrophysiologists name and an appointment date of January 6, 2011!!!!
Yep. So we wait. And wait...
Not cool. But, my thoughts are...
1. EFF!!! I only had 600 irregular heartbeats when I had a holtor monitor on a few years back. {Panic.}
2. Okay, breathe. I don't like that she is having that many irregular heartbeats a day. Sh*t!
3. But. If she were in any real life threatening danger, Texas Children's Hospital would have admitted her. Right? Right.
4. Be calm. Have faith.
So. If ya'll prayer warriors wouldn't mind....I could - and Layla could - still use those sweet prayers. Thanks.
And it is people, and stories, and faith, like THIS, that keeps me calm. And faithful.