
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Ooo-sha-lay-lay and such

For many months now quite a few people have laughed at my funny stories about Layla and the darndest things she says! What kid doesn't say the darndest things? They always tell me, "write them down now, you will forget, her pronounciation will change fast!" So, today is that day! Here is a list of "words" or "phrases" that my little Layla-bug says that just crack me up...

dubaweebah = w

twacktowr = tractor

jew = juice

watta = water (she sounds like a yankee!)

chicky = chicken

fru fry = french fry

i ski = ice cream

ghee dow = get down (to Sammie, our pup)

he boi = here boy (with a kissing sound, to Sammie when she wants him to come on - to die for!)

scuews me = excuse me (when Layla burps, or it turns into scuews you, when you or I do!)

be ni = be nice (her demand to me, with a shake of her index finger, when I correct her.)

bia = Beat it! (when singing to the classic, Michael Jackson song, Beat It!)

Now, on to the title of this blog!!!! Ooo-sha-lay-lay. Three days ago Layla was playing with her babies and really "talking" up a storm. At one point she started saying, "Ooo-sha-lay-lay" and "lay-lay-this and lay-lay-that!" It was hilarious! It was a cross between the Hawaiian language (I guess) and maybe a little San Antonio-¡Órale, vato!-lingo?!?!?! But, I had NO idea what she was trying to say.

She does a lot of babbling, so I didn't think much into it...I just had to keep saying it for the fun of it though! (And so I wouldn't forget to blog about it.) And she noticed. Last night in the bath tub, I said "Ooo-sha-lay-lay." And she looked up at me with her eyes so bright and her smile so wide...and said "huh?" Her huh = say that again so I can comprehend/remember it. So, I said it again. "Ooo-sha-lay-lay." And she smiled, and pointed to herself and said, "Layla." For the record - that is THE first time she said her name to me. I always try to get her to say her name, but she won't. Good to know she can!

So, I am guessing Layla was telling her babies to say her name???? Heaven only knows, but Lord knows - I don't care. Every word I use now comes with a "lay-lay" on the end!!! Gotta love it.

UPDATE: Not sure how I could forget these, but Layla reminded me of them on Sunday when she wanted me to sit down and color with her.

shit = sit

collo = color

She said, "Mommy, shit. (Patting the floor with her hand.) I wanna collo."

1 comment:

Michele said...

I am dying laughing!! That is too funny!!!

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