..."IT" being Layla's pacifier!
I am going to start this post by asking for all your continued prayers...we will need them.
You see, Layla began a love affair with her "paci" aka pacifier, aka binky, aka bink-bink, from the day she was born! I guess, technically, I cannot blame her seeing as I, or daddy, stuck it in her mouth to shut her, I mean to soothe and comfort her...
Look at da wittle bitty bay-bay!

My initial approach was to get rid of the bink-bink when she turned one. Just as we did with the bottle. The bottle was a cinch, but the paci - not so much! But, not really because of Layla, but because of daddy. Daddy "didn't wanna hear it!" So, the love affair continued....

And continued...wait! What is that look of??? That look is of pure panic! "Where is my binky? And why is it NOT in my mouth?"

Ahhhh! Here it is....and the affair continued....although the bink-bink did change colors! As Layla changed shape...

All together now...everyone say, "Awwwwwww...."

I do sincerely believe it would have been easy to get rid of the paci when Layla was just one. She really couldn't talk and protest it...but I gave in when I shouldn't have! Lesson learned.
All bets were off when Layla was around 17 months old! She could definitely protest when I took the paci away, and that is exactly what she is doing in the frame below.

"Noooooooooooooooo!!!!!" And this is what she looks like when she gets her way - and her paci! Happy camper, indeed. Can you
see the smirk in her eyes? All sass, I tell ya! I still don't know where she gets it from!

And for no other reason - other than I just love the below picture. She reminds me of Punjab from Annie!

Anyone???? Punjab???? No???? Ahhh, the memories! Back to the moral of the story...

A couple of weeks back, Layla's teacher at Day Care, Miss Tracey, told me that she fell asleep at nap time without her paci. I was impressed! But, I didn't think too much of it becasue I did not think it would happen again. I was wrong. I was told yesterday that she hasn't slept with her paci
since that first day!!!! What? Wow. Now. That. Is. Impressive.
I made the executive decision, right then and there - the paci was NO MORE! Daddy didn't have a say in it.
So, me and Layla get in the car to leave Day Care and begin our hour long road trip home. A typical trip like this usually includes singing, dancing, (a lot of Michael Jackson) talking, snacking and definitely some paci time for Layla. Which means some much needed quiet time for mommy!
I was prepared though. As I drove along, staring down at her paci sitting in the front passenger side seat, I knew it was inevitable. I knew she would ask for it...and then came the words.
"Mommy, paci?" she asked. So, I pretend to start looking around for it...and said, "Oh! You didn't get it from Day Care? We left it at Day Care, sweetie, I am sorry."
30 minutes of ear piercing, top of the lungs screaming ensued. All the while, I am trying to remain calm, and assuring her everything is okay. And asking her what is wrong? She just screamed louder. And I would assume, I am not sure, but pretty sure, that I looked a little (a lot) like this!
But, at least I didn't and never will look like THIS! Lord knows she needs more help than all of us! Can I get an AMEN?!?!?!

Once we got home. It was NO big deal. She doesn't get her paci much during the daytime anyway. Just in the car. And at nap and bedtime. The evening was good, but bed time was approaching...and I was dreading this part! I just
knew it would be horrible. Another round just like the drive home....ugh!
Layla's bedtime routine includes, giving daddy hugs and kisses. Giving Sammie hugs and kisses. And then into mommy's arms, up the stairs, where at this point she usually says, "Mama, big bed." Meaning, I want to sleep in mommy and daddy's bed. "And paci." I reminded her WE left it at Day Care. A little whimper and she asked for her "Tawberry Mil." (aka Starwberry milk!) After she finished her milk, she flipped over and started to fall asleep. I was in shock. No crying? No kicking and screaming? No insomnia? No sh*t? (Sorry, but I couldn't believe it was that easy!)
She woke a few times throughout the night, but nothing out of the usual. She wasn't even searching for her paci! I am in shock, but I am also a realist. This is just beginning. It will probably get worse before it gets better. Right?
It's weird. It is almost like I miss the paci???? Layla is probably already over it. Hopefully. We will find out soon enough.
The truth is. I will always cherish these precious moments...

...pacifier and all.
But the time has arrived...so, good-bye dear friend! You served us well. You were good to us. Real good.
But, my baby is a baby no longer!